Capital Planning plays a key role in the development of capital projects for the campus, including construction of new buildings, renovation of existing facilities, and provision of utility infrastructure.
The primary activities of the unit consist of:
- Coordinating and facilitating the capital planning process on the campus
- Preparing analyses and reports to assist campus leadership in the decision-making process
- Coordinating the annual update of the campus Capital Financial Plan
- Serving as the main contact for communications with the UC Office of the President for initial project approval, whether presidential, regental, or state
- Developing project space programs and overseeing the detailed programming process
- Developing project justifications and drafting the documents required for project approval and funding
- Maintaining the campus Facilities Inventory database
For information regarding building design, construction, or bidding opportunities, please visit the Design and Construction website.
Space Management provides analytical and resource management expertise that supports campus decision-making associated with the utilization of space both on and off campus. The office also develops and implements policies and procedures for the effective management of spatial resources. Services that are provided include:
- Assisting senior management to define and prioritize specific space needs and developing strategies to meet those needs
- Exploring new approaches for achieving greater efficiencies in the use of space
- Conducting space studies and audits consistent with campus strategic objectives
- Overseeing the implementation of space initiatives, including coordinating selected moves and renovations, and assisting the planning for new campus space
- Coordinating space issues with all members of the campus community